I want you to think of me as the sister you never had. The sister who will tell you how it is when you need to hear it. The sister who will hug you when you just need someone in your corner. The sister who overshares about every little detail, and most importantly the sister who allows you to be you with NO judgement!
Feel good with Carlie is a place to do just this, feel better about your life & who you are. I want to really peel back the layers of what it means to be a human existing in this world. The ups the downs & in betweens, YES even the things that nobody wants to talk about. Nothing here is off limits. SO buckle up because were about to get "down and dirty" as my girl Christina Aguilera would say.
Or maybe you're a sit down and watch kind of girlie. Comfy sweats, pour yourself a diet coke, cuddle with your blanket, curl up and tune in kind of girl. Good you need to relax. New episodes will be out every Wednesday.
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I get it, you're a busy girlie! You want to tune in but you need to multi task? SAME girl, I feel you. If I'm doing the dishes (which feels like it's 24/7), or folding the laundry (also feels 24/7). You can bet that your girl's going to be listening to a POD! I upload a new episode every Wednesday. Tune in and tell ya friends!
Listen here!
Can I have a link?
You know your girl loves a good linky link. I'm basically a pro now at scouting the best deals, finds, and QUALITY items on the internet. I'm not stingy. I'll always share my best finds right here!
Shop Here
After being on the internet for over a DECADE, I feel more aligned than ever to dive into the depths of life with you and help you get through the swim for life. Nobody talks about the hard stuff, I want to do that with you. Postpartum, your relationship with sex, the cycle of shame, body image, self care, relationships, boundaries, etc. I want to dive head first into the topics that we would be talking about if we went to lunch together. It's time. My hope for you is that we can collaborate on our thoughts, share our hardships, open up about our life lessons, pour into our humor, and just learn to feel better about our lives together. You're amazing. I'm so proud of you already! We're in this together!
ask me anything!
I want our topics to be community generated so feel free to drop here any topic suggestions, hardships, situations, or anything you want your big sis to cover!!
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Debt can quite literally take the hope out of your life. It feels like this never ending knock at the door. Let me lead you to freedom.
The more feedback I have from you on yow I can help better serve you in life, the more out of this experience you will get. Feel free to leave topic suggestions, ideas, guest ideas, or any life situation you'd need a big sisters advice on!
I'm here to remind you of your
I know that e mails and texts can be overwhelming but not with your girl. I also know you NEVER want to miss an episode. Trust me with your digits and I promise to fill your inbox with only the best!
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I wish so badly they had these around when I was a teenager! Period underwear! It's a GAME CHANGER!
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